Session on An Introduction to AR, VR and Game Design

The Department of Computer Science organized a session on An Introduction to AR, VR and Game Design on 6th October 2023. The Resource Person for the session was Asst. Prof. Lance De Mello from Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Goa. The session was a subject expert lecture in the course, Problem Solving and Programming (FYBCA) and Fundamentals of Programming (FY B.Voc.(ST)).

The session was also a part of recommendation by Mrs. Ekta Agarwal, Chairperson, Computer Science Mentoring Council, as exposure to TY BCA Project students who are doing a Project in Game Design and AR functionality.

The session began at 12:15 pm with Vice Principal, Dr. Edwin Barreto delivering the welcome address and mentioning to the students to make the best of the knowledge that they will gain through all such sessions.

During the session students were introduced to the application of Programming in the field of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) with a particular focus on game design. Mr. Lance stressed the importance of building a strong foundation in the basics of programming, as this not only facilitates ease of transition between different programming languages but also aids in adapting to emerging technologies. Mr. Lance brought all the necessary equipment and accessories to demonstrate the VR and AR experiences to our students. Many students eagerly volunteered for hands-on usage of the devices. The session covered the concepts of the Game Design lifecycle, including elements of game design and popular tools used in implementation.

Students had the opportunity to gain practical exposure to VR applications by using head-mounted devices to assemble components and explore a music application called Beat Saber. The students were highly motivated by the experience and actively engaged with the Resource Person by asking questions and seeking clarification. The session concluded at 2:15 pm.

The session was efficiently compered by Ms. Nidhi Nagvekar, a student of FYBCA-A. Ms. Abha Naik, a student from the B.Com Programme, provided feedback on the session, emphasizing that it was a valuable learning experience for all participants. The session was supervised by Mrs. Rakshavi Desai and Mrs. Sweta P. Shet Verenkar, faculty in-charges. 86 students attended the session.
