Buddy Teaching- learning

A Buddy teaching learning activity was organized by Assistant Professor Valencia Baptista for the students of M.Com Part I on 25th and 26th September 2023 during the Advanced Financial Management lectures from 10:00 am to 11:00 am and from 11:20 am to 12:20 pm respectively. The aim of the activity was to encourage peer-to-peer teaching-learning, promoting a deeper understanding of the subject matter while strengthening communication and teamwork skills.

The students were paired up and were made to solve the problems- based on the chapter Dividend Decisions – on the board. The pairs of students were asked to work together and provide solutions to the questions under different methods i.e Walter’s Model and Gordon’s Model for decisions based on relevance and Modigliani and Miller’s Approach based on irrelevance.

This activity provided the students the opportunity to practice their communication and social skills, learn from their peers and enhance their academic performance. The students were able to demonstrate their understanding of the topics that were covered in the class as well as their ability to explain the problems and solutions to their peers/classmates, which helped them boost their confidence. This activity also helped the class to witness their classmates participating actively in the buddy teaching activity and contributing to classroom management. 11 pairs of students (i.e. 22 students) were actively involved in the buddy teaching learning activity.

The Report is contributed by students Ms. Sheryl Antao, Ms. Ashmita Vernekar and Mr. Vaibhav Girap.
