Study Visit to Saligao Waste Management Plant

The Department of Management Studies organized an Industrial visit to Saligao Waste Management plant on 14th September 2023. The Study visit was a part of course curriculum Business Ethics & Sustainability for FY BBA(FS) students. The waste management plant was set up in the year 2013.

The Solid Waste Management Facility stands as a unique and pioneering integrated facility in the country. This remarkable facility serves as a critical hub for managing waste in a scientific and environmentally responsible manner, primarily receiving waste from the northern coastal belt village panchayats. During the educational visit, the students were treated to a short documentary shedding light on the operations of the Goa Waste Management Corporation, providing an overview of its role and mission in sustainable waste management.

The tour then led the students to the dry and wet waste processing units, where they had the opportunity to witness firsthand the intricate processes involved in waste collection, segregation, and processing. The facility is well-equipped with state-of-the-art machinery, ensuring efficient and effective waste management. Impressively, the facility processes a substantial 250 tonnes of waste daily. This waste is meticulously transformed into compost fertilizer, which is subsequently made available to local farmers at fair prices, contributing to sustainable agriculture practices. Additionally, the facility harnesses biogas from the collected wet waste, putting it to use in the facility’s kitchen operations.

The Wastewater generated during the waste treatment process undergoes purification, making it suitable for various purposes, including use in fire extinguishers and for landscaping. The facility also provides environmental sustainability by implementing rainwater harvesting systems. A remarkable aspect of this facility is its continuous supervision, ensuring that all operations adhere to strict quality and environmental standards.

This site visit provided the students with practical exposure to the inner workings of a waste treatment plant, imparting invaluable knowledge about sustainable waste management practices. The students were accompanied by Ms. Delisha Rebello, Assistant Professor in Commerce & Ms. Ashwini Devari Assistant Professor in Financial Services.
