Visual Brilliance: A Deep Dive into Canva, Google Slides, Forms, and AI

The Department of Computer Science organized a session on “Visual Brilliance: A Deep Dive into Canva, Google Slides, Forms, and AI” on 2nd & 8th September 2023, from 12:30 to 2:30 pm for the nominated student members of all the committees/ Clubs of the College.

On 2nd September 2023, Mr. Ramkrishna Reddy was the Resource Person. He discussed various tools such as Canva, Bluewillow AI, ChatGPT, Firefly, and Microsoft Designer, as well as 18 students attended the session.

On 8th September 2023, Ms. Pradnya Nadkarni was the Resource Person. She discussed how to create Google Slides and Google Forms, and demonstrated the use of Autocrat and Certify’em add-ons for certificate generation. 08 students attended the session.

The session was conducted to motivate and educate students on the use of these powerful digital tools and to enhance their skills in visual content creation and productivity.Ms. Rakshavi Dessai was the teacher incharge of the session.
