Photography Competition ‘Understanding Clouds’

The Green club (Vasundhara) of the College organized a photography competition on the occasion of World Photography Day with the theme ‘Understanding Clouds’. The primary objective of this photography competition was to engage students in capturing the essence and artistic potential of clouds while cultivating a sense of responsibility towards the ecosystem. This event was aimed to encourage students to appreciate the beauty, diversity, and environmental significance of clouds through the lens of a camera, and to observe and explore the intricacies of cloud formations while promoting a sustainable mindset.

The photography competition took place in the College premises at 12:15 P.M on 18th August 2023. Participants were required to capture captivating shots of clouds using their phone cameras. Participants were allocated a time of one hour for clicking the Photographs. Each contestant was allowed to submit only an entry showcasing their unique perspectives on the theme. Students from various streams across the College enthusiastically participated in the event, showcasing their talent and passion for photography.

The Club’s efforts to engage a diverse set of participants yielded vibrant and dynamic entries from individuals with varying expertise and perspectives. A total of 29 students participated in the competition. All the participants and winners were given certificates. The event not only encouraged creativity and artistic expression but also raised awareness about the significance of clouds and environmental conservation.

The photography competition undoubtedly left a lasting impression on the participants, emphasizing the intrinsic connection between art, nature, and the environment. The competition was judged by Asst. Prof. Shreyas Desai and Asst. Prof. Ainsley Bernard on the criteria of composition & creativity, relevance to theme, originality of the work, Visual impact and storytelling. The First Place was won by Mr. Amir Saroj (FY B.Com E), Second Place was bagged by Mr. Muzahid Khan (BBA(FS)) and Third Place was bagged by Mr. Apurba Mondal(TYB.Com A).
