Session on Making Better Career Choices

The Career Cell of the College organized a counseling session on the topic ‘Making Better Career Choices’ on 16th August 2023. The session was conducted with the aim of providing students with valuable insights and guidance to make informed decisions with respect to their career paths. It also provided students with a framework for assessing their interests, skills and values which will help them in career planning.

The Resource Person for the session was Ms. Ashita Ranjit, Founder at Etiquette School of Communication, Speech and Soft Skills. Ms. Pooja Shanbhag, Convenor of the Career cell addressed the gathering and welcomed the Resource Person and the participants to the session.

In the first segment the speaker emphasized that a career decision is a significant life choice and that it should align with an individual’s interests, strengths, values, and aspirations. The session centered on the importance of aligning career choices with personal values and long-term goals. Ms. Ashita discussed the significance of setting realistic goals and developing a career action plan. She stressed the importance of making smart career choices, explained the significance of corporate navigation and discussed interview rubrics with the participants.

The next segment focused on self-assessment. Students were guided to identify their strengths, weaknesses, interests and personality traits. This personality assessment exercise was to help students gain a better understanding of themselves. She also emphasized the value of continuous learning and adaptability in the rapidly changing job market. Students got an opportunity to ask questions and seek career advice from the Resource Person.

It was a very interactive and informative session. The session ended at 10.00 am with a Vote of Thanks proposed by Mr. Suyash Patki, a student of FY BBA(FS).  Ms. Snigdha Naik, member of Career Cell coordinated the session. 85 students attended the session.
