Independence Day celebrations

The Cultural Council in collaboration with the NCC Army and Navy Wing, NSS, and Sports Council of the College celebrated the 76th Independence Day of our country on Tuesday, 15th August 2023. The ceremony started at 8.30 a.m. in the College premises with the staff, NCC cadets, NSS volunteers, and students from VVM institutions – Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics, G R Kare College of Law, and RMS Higher Secondary School attending the same.

The Principal, Dr. Prita D. Mallya hoisted the Flag, followed by the recital of our National Anthem and the NCC song.

The crowd then dispersed to the Multipurpose Hall for the NCC rank distribution ceremony and the Cultural programme organized by the Cultural Council. The NCC Officer Lt. Sandesh Gaonkar and the Vice Principal Dr. Edwin Barreto distributed the Ranks to the NCC cadets.

Then the Cultural programmes organized by the Cultural Council, started with patriotic singing and group dances performed by the NCC Naval Wing cadets, and students of the College.

The Sports Council distributed the prizes and certificates won in various sports events by our students.

The last programme for the day was the seed ball distribution to all the teaching staff by the Department of Management Studies.
