KYC cum Friendship Day

The Staff Recreation Club organized the KYC (Know-Your-Colleague) cum Friendship Day programme on the 12th of August 2023 at 12:15 p.m. in the College Smart Classroom. The objective of organizing this programme was to introduce each faculty to one another to better acquaint each other as colleagues of the same institution.

Ms. Lizette D’Costa, Assistant Professor in Economics & Banking, welcomed the faculty present by speaking on the essence of healthy relations between co-workers and the importance of having friends in life.

Ms. Marjina Shaikh, Assistant Professor in Commerce and Management requested the faculty present to personally introduce themselves.

Thereafter, a lot of games and spot prizes were conducted as ice-breakers towards achieving the objective of the programme.

The programme ended at 01:30 p.m. with light refreshments served to all present.
