Indian Organ Donation Day

The NSS Unit of the College celebrated Indian Organ Donation Day on 3rd August 2023. The main aim of celebrating this day was to raise awareness about organ donation and encourage people to donate organs and tissues after death. It also aimed to instill the value of organ donation in people’s lives.

All the faculty members and students took an organ donation pledge in their respective classes. Subsequently, NSS volunteers conducted awareness campaigns about organ donation in their local communities. During these campaigns, our NSS volunteers explained the significance of organ donation and its potential to save lives. They also provided accurate information to dispel myths and misconceptions related to organ donation. Finally, they detailed the procedures and processes involved in organ donation and encouraged individuals to register as organ donors.

24 volunteers participated in the awareness drive. The activity was coordinated by Mr. Sanjay Velip, NSS PO-Incharge, Ms. Ashwina Volvoikar, NSS PO, and Ms. Akshada Gaonkar, NSS PO.
