Session on “Effective Project Management”

The Department of Computer Science conducted a session on Effective Project Management on July 11th, 2023, from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. The session specifically targeted the SY and TY BCA & B.Voc.(ST) students. The Resource Person for the session was Ms. Poonam Narvekar, Chief Technology Officer of Umang Software.

To commence the session, Dr. Edwin Barreto, the Vice Principal, introduced the Resource Person and her team. Dr. Barreto highlighted the significance of workshops like these, emphasizing the importance of keeping students informed about the latest technological advancements.

Ms. Poonam Narvekar began by discussing the specific student projects for BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications) and OJT (On-the-Job Training) for B.Voc.(ST). Ms. Narvekar then proceeded to cover the basics of project management, starting with an overview of the different phases of a project. She explained the roles and responsibilities of project managers and emphasized the importance of thorough planning and effective communication throughout the project lifecycle. The session also covered two popular project management methodologies, namely Agile Methodology and Waterfall model. Ms. Narvekar explained the key principles, benefits, and limitations of each approach, enabling students to grasp the differences and determine their relevance in different project scenarios.

Towards the end of the session, a Q&A round was conducted, allowing students to seek clarification and ask questions related to Project Management. This interactive session provided an opportunity for students to engage with the topic and further enhance their understanding.

The session concluded with a Vote of Thanks proposed by student Malik Rehan, expressing gratitude to Ms. Poonam Narvekar for sharing her knowledge and insights. A total of 125 students and 5 faculty members benefited from attending this informative and engaging session. Overall, the session proved to be valuable in helping students grasp the practical aspects of Project Management and its relevance to their academic and professional endeavors.
