9th International Day of Yoga

The Department of Physical Education & Sports and the NSS Unit of the College celebrated the 9th International Day of Yoga by organizing a Yoga Session for the students and staff in the College Multipurpose Hall. The session took place from 8:00 am to 8:45 am and the theme for the event was “Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.”

To commence the program, Dr. Ajinkya Kudtarkar, the College Director of Physical Education & Sports, delivered a brief address highlighting the importance of yoga. The yoga instructors for the session were Mr. Saurabh Raikar, Instructor in Physical Education, Dr. Ajinkya Kudtarkar, and NCC (Navy) Cadet Namrata Singh.

The program began with a prayer followed by warm-up exercises. Participants then engaged in various types of asanas, including Tadasana, Trikonasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Paschimottanasana, Makarasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Salabhasana, Savasana, Pawanmuktasana and Single Leg Pawanmuktasana. The asanas were followed by Shuddhi Kriya i.e. Kapalbhati, Pranayama including Anulom Vilom and Brahmari. Meditation was also incorporated into the session.

The yoga session concluded at 8:45 am, with a total of 32 students and 21 staff actively participating in the event. Mr. Gajanan B. Haldankar, the NSS PO In-Charge, proposed the Vote of Thanks to conclude the session.
