Orientation Programme for B.Com Programme

The Department of Commerce & Management organized an Orientation Programme on 19th June 2023 to welcome and provide essential information to the newly admitted First Year students of the B.Com programme. The event took place in Hall No. 01, located on the 5th floor of the Central Block. The primary objective of the programme was to acquaint the students with the curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular aspects of the Department and the Institution.

The Orientation Programme commenced with an enthusiastic welcome from Principal Prof. Prita D. Mallya. She addressed the newly admitted B.Com students and presented them with a comprehensive overview of the College rules and regulations. Her informative session aimed to familiarize students with the guidelines they should abide by during their time at the Institution. During her address, she underlined the immense value of active participation in various clubs and activities. She emphasized that these engagements not only enhance their college experience but also play a vital role in overall development. She then further emphasized the significance of the New Education Policy 2020, stressing its emphasis on holistic development. She encouraged the students to embrace the opportunities offered by the policy to nurture their overall growth and academic excellence.

Dr. Anjali Sajilal, the B.Com Programme Coordinator, then took the stage to brief the students about the B.Com Programme. She provided detailed information about the courses that will be offered in the first semester under the New Education Policy. Additionally, Ma’am Anjali introduced the Commerce and Economics Clubs, which offer exciting opportunities to participate in activities aimed at crowning the Commerce Wizard and Economist of the Year.

Following this, Dr. Edwin Barreto, the Vice Principal and Head of the Department of Commerce & Management introduced the teaching staff of the B.Com Programme to the students. He highlighted the significance of maintaining appropriate behaviour and adhering to College norms. Dr. Edwin provided essential instructions regarding conduct and emphasized the importance of discipline, dedication, and perseverance throughout their academic journey.

The Orientation Programme successfully concluded with a motivational address encouraging the students to embrace discipline and remain dedicated in their pursuit of knowledge. The Department wished the students a fruitful and successful experience at the College.
