Felicitation of Budding Entrepreneurs

The IQAC with E-Cell & Incubation Centre organized a function to felicitate the Budding Entrepreneurs among the students of the College on 17th April 2023 at 12 noon. The aim of the event was to motivate our young entrepreneurs and promote the entrepreneurial spirit among students. The function began with a welcome speech by the Principal, Prof. Prita D Mallya, who congratulated all the successful young entrepreneurs on their achievements. The Chief Guest for the event was Mr. Abhijit Sawant, an alumnus of the College and CEO of ABHIGanesh Investment Services Pvt. Ltd.

Ms. Abha Naik provided an overview of IQAC, E-Cell, and the incubation center and their roles in motivating students toward entrepreneurship. She explained the various activities and initiatives carried out by the committees. Ms. Twinkle Fernandes, an Assistant Professor in Commerce at the PG Department, introduced the Chief guest, Mr. Abhijit Sawant, who then addressed the students. Mr. Sawant emphasized the importance of attitude in achieving success and urged students to create value rather than simply invest money. He shared his personal story and motivated the students to change their mindsets in order to become successful entrepreneurs. His speech was well received and appreciated by all in attendance.

50 young entrepreneurs were then felicitated by the Chief guest.

Dr. Edwin Barreto, Vice Principal, in his Vote of Thanks, expressed his gratitude to the members of the Cell for recognizing the hard work and dedication of the young entrepreneurs. Ms. Petalia Coutinho did a commendable job as the compere of the program. The event was coordinated by Dr. Lina Sadekar, IQAC Coordinator, and Dr. Shami Pai, Convenor of the E-Cell & Incubation Centre. The program was a great success and the students left feeling inspired and motivated to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. A total of 50 students and faculty members attended the function.
