Developing Team Spirit and Coordination

The P.G. Department of Commerce organized a team-building activity for the students of the M.Com Programme on 1st April 2023. This activity was conducted as a part of the PG Club with the motive of developing team spirit and fostering coordination among the team members. The students were organized into three teams, each consisting of six members. The team leaders were then instructed on the rules of the activity, and they picked lots to determine the order in which the teams would perform. The objective of the activity was for each team to step on number sheets placed on the floor, ranging from 1 to 50, in ascending or descending order within the set time limit agreed by each team. The teams were given approximately 10 minutes to strategize and plan their approach to the task before entering the competition one by one. All the teams were able to complete the task before the time limit, with Team No. 2 emerging as the winner due to the shortest time taken to complete the task. The activity provided the students with a unique learning experience beyond traditional classroom learning.
