Scholarship Distribution Programme

The Department of Management organized Scholarship Distribution Programme on 29th April 2023. The scholarship was given by Blue Cross Lab. Pvt. Ltd. as a CSR initiative. The company is one of the leading research-based pharmaceutical companies in India with over three decades of experience in providing healthcare products to people across the globe with the aim of improving human life.

The compere for the function, SY BBA(FS) student Ms. Inara Fernandes, introduced the company and highlighted various CSR initiatives taken up by the company. The CSR consultant of Blue Cross Lab. Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Dinar Mardolkar was present for the function. He briefed the students about the company and highlighted the purpose of the scholarship and assured them that the company will always provide financial assistance to needy students in the future as well.

5 FYBBA(FS), 5 SYBBA(FS), and 2 TYBBA(FS) students were awarded a scholarship of Rs. 15000/- each. Mr. Dinar Mardolkar and Prof. Dr. Prita D. Mallya handed over the scholarship certificates to the students.

No. Name of the Student Class No. Name of the Student Class
1 Ms. Swetha Gaonka. FY BBA(FS) 7 Ms. Gizelle D’silva SY BBA(FS)
2 Mr. Bhavan Mattamani FY BBA(FS) 8 Ms. Sakshi Talaulikar SY BBA(FS)
3 Ms. Kanishka Madkaikar FY BBA(FS) 9 Ms. Jeslin Fernandes SY BBA(FS)
4 Mr. Sanil Shivolker FY BBA(FS) 10 Mr. Gregory Rodrigues SY BBA(FS)
5 Mr. Sunny S. Naik FY BBA(FS) 11 Ms. Nikita Bholnekar TY BBA(FS)
6 Ms. Ayuna Antao SY BBA(FS) 12 Ms. Shaina Teles TY BBA(FS)

Students expressed their gratitude towards Blue Cross Laboratories Ltd. for their generosity which will help them and will also encourage them to work harder to achieve their goals. The programme ended with a Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms. Inara Fernandes.
