Career Opportunities in Hospitality & Aviation Industry

The Career Cell in collaboration with SC/ST Cell of the College organised a Session on Career Opportunities in Hospitality and Aviation Industry for the students of SY B.Com and TY B.Com on 23rd March 2023. Mr. Anant Shivaraj, Operations Manager at Gryphon Academy was the Resource Person for the session. The objective of this session was to provide the students with the exposure of career opportunities in the tourism, hospitality and aviation industry.

Ms. Sushrusha Naik Khandekar, Convenor of the Career Cell introduced the Resource Person for the session. Mr. Shivraj began the session by asking the students if they have decided about their career path. He specifically asked the TY students about the various career options that they want to pursue. He also asked the students about their expectations from jobs. He introduced the students to the tourism industry and gave them details about Hospitality & Aviation Industry. Mr. Shivraj focused on the recently introduced Mopa Airport in Goa and the various career opportunities available for Goans. He familiarised the students with the candidate requirements for applying for each of the jobs. He also shared information about various types of training and skills required for these jobs and guided them on how to pursue it.

Mr. Shivraj also demonstrated pre and post training experience of some of the candidates seeking jobs in this Industry with the help of videos and pictures from his Academy. Towards the end of the session, he addressed the doubts and queries of the students. Mr. Sanjay Velip, Convenor of SC/ST Cell of the College proposed the Vote of Thanks. A total of 73 SY and TY B.Com students attended the session.
