Damodar Idol – Singing Competition

The Cultural Council of the College organised Annual Singing competition ‘Damodar Idol’ on 18th March 2023 in the Multipurpose Hall.

The competition was conducted in solo and duet category in Hindi, English and Konkani.  Participants had to get their own instrument or sing along with a karaoke track.

The comperes for the event, Ms. Nandana M R and Ms. Brionna Noronha from SY B.Com introduced the judges – Ms. Ashwini Devari, Asst Prof, BBA; Mr. Rahul Naik, LDC, and Ms. Sushrusha Khandekar, Asst Prof, Dept of Commerce. They were welcomed with a potted plant by Ms Samiksha Vengurlekar, Ms Rama Borkar and Ms Marjina Shaikh respectively. The competition had 18 students participating in both the categories.

The winners of the singing competition were:

 Solo Category 

  1. Hindi -Pranav Nagarsekar from TY B.Com C
  2. Konkani -Prasilla Angel Fernandes from FYBBA
  3. English -Kamal Ram from FY B.Com B


Duet category

Devanshi Kanekar and Shambhavi Naik Gaunkar from SY B.Com.

All participants received certificates from Vice-Principal Dr. Edwin Barreto.  The Convenor of Cultural Council Ms. Samiksha Vengurlekar proposed the Vote of Thanks.
