Critical thinking & Problem Solving

The FY Certificate Course Committee had organized a session on “Critical thinking & Problem Solving” as a part of Certificate Course in 21stCentury Life Skills for the students of FY B.Com and  FY BBA(FS) on 13th March 2023. The Resource Person for the session was Mr. Suhas Mallya, Executive Director, Emco Goa Pvt. Ltd.

The objective of the session was to encourage the students to think rationally, analyze and evaluate an issue and draw logical conclusions.

Ms. Sushanti, a student from FY B.Com A was the compere for the session. The introduction of the guest speaker was done by Mr. Cajetan, a student of FY B.Com A. Mr. Suhas commenced the session by explaining to the students the concept and elements of critical thinking and problem solving. He then engaged the audience in a non-linear thinking discussion by stating several instances and asking them to identify the possible causes using rational thinking. He emphasized the importance of critical analysis in problem-solving and cited real-world examples to illustrate his point. Towards the end, Mr. Suhas discussed the responses provided by the students on topics, Environmental Impact of Mining, COVID Management by the Government of India and IPL during pandemic.

101 students attended the session. The session ended with a Vote of Thanks delivered by Ms. Bhoviya a student of FY B.Com. The session was coordinated by Asst. Prof. Marjina Shaikh.
