Short Film Screening as part of the PG Club Activity

The Post Graduate Department of Commerce screened two short films as a part of a PG Club Activity for the students of M.Com Part I and II on 25th February 2023. 38 students attended the activity.

The first film screened was a short film ‘One Idiot’ – An Amole Gupte Film and IDFC Foundation Initiative which was 33 minutes long. The film’s main objective was to inculcate the habit of saving and investing in sources that could generate high returns for the future instead of mindlessly spending money. The main character ‘Idiot’, portrayed himself as a down to earth person while being worth crores and providing ‘wisdom’ to others on being financially literate and independent.

The second short film was a sequel to ‘Idiot’ called ‘Return of One Idiot’ – An Amole Gupte Film and IDFC Foundation Initiative which was 29 minutes long. In this film, the protagonist is called to a college to give a talk to the students and share his ‘mantras’. This film focuses on taking care of the elderly, respecting them and not neglecting them when they are old and cannot take care of themselves anymore.

The students thoroughly enjoyed both the short films and were inspired by the message. The activity ended at 1:10 p.m. The report is contributed by Ms. Valerie Viegas, M.Com-I student.
