Guest Lecture organized by Centre of Excellence in Sales

The Centre of Excellence in Sales organized a session on the topic ‘Busting the Myth -Salespeople are born, not made’ for interested students of the institution across all programmes.  The Resource Person for the session was Mr. Pavan Agni – Proprietor, Buy Spex Home Appliances and Gifts. Dr. Shami Pai, Coordinator of Centre of Excellence in Sales, welcomed the Resource Person and addressed the gathering. Ms. Disha Morvekar, student of FY B.Com introduced the Resource Person to the audience.

Mr. Pavan started the session by explaining the significance of sales job in the economy. He discussed various concepts in sales and marketing and also explained how sales is different from marketing. He clarified basic concepts in marketing and further introduced some new concepts such as FAB strategy, Pareto’s Principle, Latent demand etc. to the audience. The speaker stressed on the need for style and content while making a sales presentation and further discussed some of the pre-requisites for successful selling.

Mr. Agni listed out the important skills a salesperson should possess in order to make a successful sales pitch. He supported his explanation with many real-life examples. The Resource Person shared his personal experience with the students and motivated them to take up career paths in the sales sector.

Mr. Agni stressed on the importance of consumer behavior in marketing. He informed the students that presently companies are focusing on customer relationship management and technology plays a very important role in maintaining customer relationship.  The speaker at the end of the session addressed the queries raised by the students with regards to sales job. The participants found the session very informative and beneficial. A total of 35 students attended the session. The session ended at 11.15 am.  The entire event was coordinated by Dr. Maithili Naik, Ms. Pooja Shanbhag and Ms. Marjina Shaikh, Assistant Professors in Commerce & Management and members of the Centre of Excellence in Sales.
