Session on ‘The Positive Universe’

The FY Certificate Course Committee had organized a session on “The Positive Universe” as a part of Certificate Course in 21st century Life Skills for the students of FY B.Com and FY BBA(FS) on 31st Jan 2023 from 12:15 to 1:15 pm. The Resource Persons for the session were Dr. Prashant Kakode and Mr. Boby John. The objective of the session was to help the students explore the positive universe and to discuss its impact on mental health and well being.

Ms. Giselle a student from FY B.Com A was the compere for the session. The welcome address was given by Dr. Lina Sadekar, IQAC Coordinator, followed by Introduction of the Guest speakers by Mr. Ajnan Rizvi, student of FY B.Com A.

Dr. Prashant Kakode began his session by narrating a story highlighting the importance of gratitude. He also stressed upon the impact of positive thinking on mental health, physical health, and overall performance. Dr. Prashant concluded his speech with a quote “The purpose of life is to have a life of purpose”. Mr. Boby John took over the session in the second half and explained about the four quadrants of life; things that are urgent and important fall in the first quadrant, second quadrant was about things which are not important and not urgent, third quadrant had important things but not urgent and last quadrant was about things not important but urgent. He explained the students about each quadrant with examples and also recommended to students about which quadrant they should spend time on.

The session ended with a Vote of Thanks proposed by Mr. Damodar Patnekar a student of FY B.Com A. A total of 40 students attended the session.
