‘VidnyanDhara’ lecture

Under ‘VidnyanDhara’ – a Mega Science Series organised by the Directorate of Higher Education and the Goa State Higher Education Council, Govt. of Goa, lectures were organised in various colleges in Goa from 12th to 21st January 2023. The Research and Development Cell of the College hosted a lecture under this series, on the topic “Innovations in nanomaterials for energy applications” on 20th January 2023 by Dr. Rajeshkumar Hyam from Goa University.

Dr. Hyam touched upon topics like history of Nanotechnology, its applications in commerce, economics, and other fields, possibilities and pitfalls, various techniques in nanotechnology, and their applications in real-life products. 76 SY B.Com students attended the lecture, which was held from 10:30am to 12:00pm
