Consumer Cell – Street play

The Consumer Cell of the Department of Commerce and Management organized a street play on the topic ‘Jago Grahak Jago’ on 28th January 2023 at 12.15 pm near the Multipurpose Hall. The students of FY B.Com performed a street play to create awareness and educate the audience about the rights of the consumers.

The street play was performed in 3 scenes. The first scene was regarding purchasing gold jewellery, where the conclusion was one should always take a bill for the jewellery purchased and the gold should bear the logo of BIS hallmark which certifies the purity of the gold purchased. The second scene emphasized on the consumers’ right to choose. The third scene depicted a scenario of a customer being overcharged and the meaning of MRP i.e. Maximum Retail Price.

The event was coordinated by the Consumer Cell in charge Asst Prof. Sheryl Sanches. The street play was appreciated by all.
