Extension Activity: Session on “Basics of Stock Market Investing”

The Department of Management of the College conducted extension activity for RMS students. A session was conducted on 27th January 2023 from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The topic for the session was “Basics of Stock Market Investing”. A total of 80 students from RMS Higher Secondary School attended the session.

The Resource Person for the session were ex-students Mr Amey Natekar, Service Officer HDFC & Mr Sagar Bandodkar, NISM Distributor.

A student from FYBBA(FS) introduced the speakers for the session. The first speaker, Mr Amey Natekar started the session by giving introduction about the financial markets. He explained various investment avenues available for investors. The second speaker, Mr. Sagar Bandodkar started the session by sharing the journey of Sensex. He explained the various past events such as US recession, NDA elections, Subprime crisis, covid Pandemic which have impacted stock market.  He also shared his experience of trading during the markets downfall and how markets have rewarded the investors which have stayed invested for longer duration.

The speaker highlighted important reasons why India as a country is good for investment by comparing it to the other neighboring countries with the GDP rate and other factors. He also shared the list of stock brokers and the procedure to open the Demat account which is required for stock trading.

The speaker conducted a quiz to which students gave a very good response. A total of 80 students attended the session. The speakers addressed the questions of the participants. The session ended with a student proposing the Vote of Thanks.
