Session on A Guide for Resume Designing

The Career Cell of the College organized a session on a Guide for Resume Designing for the students of B.Com and BBA(FS). Ms. Sejal Naik, student from FY B.Com-B compered the session and welcomed the Resource Person. Ms. Siya Shirodkar, student from FY B.Com B introduced the Resource Person for the day, Ms. Alfiya Baig, Career Counsellor at CII, MCC Goa

Ms. Baig started the session by asking the students the difference between a Resume and a CV. She then explained the need for a resume and what should be kept in mind before preparing a resume. The Resource Person also explained different sections of the resume and the purpose each section serves. She also stressed on the importance of proof reading the resume before submitting it to the corporates and suggested some tips which would help the students to make their resume more attractive and unique. She also showed the students how to make a resume using online tools like Canva.

At the end of the session Ms. Baig answered the queries raised by the students. Ms. Taniya Rekdo, student from FY B.Com B proposed the Vote of Thanks for the session. A total of 42 students attended the session.
