The Department of Management organized Khanna Mela for the students of FYBBA as a part of Managerial Economics curriculum under ISA II. The said activity was organized on 16th January 2023 from 10a.m. onwards. The entire class of 29 students were a part of Khanna Mela. The objective of the activity was to apply Managerial Economics in real life. After conducting the activity, the students learnt about the practical application of demand, supply, forms of market structure, profit, loss etc.

The class was divided into 2 groups. Each group sold different types of snacks and drinks. The food items  sold were Donuts, Croquettes, Sweet corn chat, Sandwiches, Walnut Brownies, Blueberry Lemonade, Lemonade and Soft drinks.

The activity was conducted within the College premises and the profit gained was equally distributed among the students. Through Khanna Mela, students learnt to use scarce resources efficiently and to supply the commodities for which there was demand.

After the activity was complete, students were asked to submit a report mentioning the costsincurred, revenue earned, profit made, resources required, type of profit made and the type of market structure experienced. The faculty in charge for Khanna Mela was Asst. Prof. Karuna Sanjiv Ballikar.
