“Gandhiji-The Mahatma” Essay Competition – 2015

The Cultural Council organised an Intercollegiate Essay Competition , “Gandhiji-The Mahatma”  on 29th January 2015 for the students of under graduate colleges .

Gandhiji1A total of 8 teams (each consisting of atmost two students) had registered for the essay competition. Each college had sent written essay on the theme “ We can no more gain God’s blessing with an unclean body than with an unclean mind.A clean body cannot reside in an unclean city”. On the day of Competition , presentation was done by each of the  team..

Don Bosco College-Panjim were the Winners & GEC College Farmagudi Ponda were the Runner-Up .

The judges for the competition were Mr. Adrian Torres and Ms Carla Quadros.Gandhiji2

The competition concluded with the valedictory and prize distribution function. Dr. Prita D. Mallya was the Chief Guest for the function.

The program was compered by Deepika Vasudeva (F.Y.Bcom) and the vote of thanks was proposed by Savia Sucya Dacosta (F.Y.Bcom)
