Guest Lecture on Practical Aspects of Cost & Management Accounting and Career Opportunities

The Department of Commerce in association with the Career Cell organised a Guest Lecture on Practical Aspects of Cost & Management Accounting and Career Opportunities for the students of SY and TY B.Com on 5th November 2022. The session was organised as a part of the course Fundamentals of Cost Accounting for SY B. Com and Cost & Management Accounting Specialization for TY B.Com. CMA Sagun Parmekar was invited as the Resource Person for the session. The objective of the session was to provide students with exposure to career options in Cost & Management Accounting and provide them with career guidance in this field.

Ms. Lavanya Mhapsekar, student from FY B.Com-C was the compere for the session. Ms. Sushrusha Naik Khandekar, Convenor of Career Cell welcomed the students for the session. Mr. Shashank Lolla, student from FY B.Com D introduced the Resource Person.

CMA Sagun Parmekar began the session by asking students about the various career or higher education options they are interested to pursue. He then proceeded with the session by providing the students with the career guidance in Cost and Management Accounting. Mr. Parmekar guided the students about the course and how to register, the institution that provides the course, fees associated with the course, career opportunities, etc. He also shared his experiences of becoming a Cost & Management Accountant. The session was interactive and he addressed to the queries put forth by the students regarding CMA as a career option.

Ms. Marjina Shaikh, Assistant Professor in Commerce presented the letter of gratitude to Mr. Parmekar. The faculty who actively organised this session were Dr. Anjali Sajilal, Dr. Maithili Naik, Ms. Preksha Chopdekar, Mr. Gajanan Haldankar, Ms. Marjina Shaikh, Ms. Sushrusha Naik Khandekar and Ms. Priyanka Thanekar. Ms. Esther Carvalho, student from FY B.Com proposed the Vote of Thanks. 78 students attended the Guest Lecture.
