Inter-Class Handball Tournament (Men & Women)

The Department of Physical Education and Sports organized Inter-class Handball Tournament for Men & Women on 3rd November 2022 at Manohar Parrikar Indoor Stadium, Navelim from 9:00 am onwards. 12 teams participated in the tournament (9 men & 3 women).

The tournament commenced with the Address by Mr. Ajinkya Kudtarkar, College Director of Physical Education & Sports, in which he briefed the teams about the rules and regulation of the tournament.

The tournament was played on knock-out basis and fixtures were designed by drawing lots. All the matches were played for 20 minutes i.e. 10min – 2min break – 10min, for Men as well as Women.

The results of the tournament were:

Men Women Position
FY BBA(FS) TY B.COM 1st Place
M.COM M.COM 2nd Place
FY B.COM A ——– 3rd Place
Best Player (Men) Best Player (Women)  
Jabiullah Bankapur Gisele Da Costa  

The Chief Guest for the tournament was Vice-Principal Dr. Edwin Barreto. Ms. Jane D’Silva SAG Handball Coach was also present for selecting the College Handball team. The Officials for the tournament were Mr. Deepak Ashanagar and Mr. Shubham Salunke, National Handball Players. Mr. Saurabh Raikar Instructor in Physical Education was the compere of the tournament. Mr. Ajinkya Kudtarkar College Director of Physical Education & Sports appreciated the students for showing interest and participating inthe handball tournament.

The Programme ended with the Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms. Lisanna Fernandes, Sports General Secretary of the College.
