Investor Hub Activity-Innovative Product Advertising

The Department of Management organized Investor Hub activity “Innovative Product Advertising” for the students of FY, SY and TY BBA(FS) on 29th October 2022. FY BBA students came up with innovative products that they had to pitch based on four major aspects -Benefits of the product, Unique selling point, target audience and pricing of the product.

Asst. Prof. Mr. Omkar Pawaskar and Asst. Prof. Ms. Abigale Rodrigues explained the basic concept of pitching the products as an entrepreneur and the time allotted to each team for discussion and presentation. The activity was held in two classes with four teams each. The products offered to the teams were Cloud sofa, Chewtoy Dog toothbrush, Dream recorder, Animal language translator, A smart coffee maker with handprint, Bath stones to heat water, an electromagnetic dumbbell that adapts as per your weight and UV light disinfecting towel dryer.

All the teams defended their products with vigour and enthusiasm. The judges for the event were Asst. Professors Abigale Rodrigues, Anirudha Munj and Omkar Pawaskar. 69 students participated in the activity, which ended at 12:30 pm
