Life Skills: “Communication- Do’s and Don’ts”

The FY Certificate Course Committee had organized a session on the topic “Communication- Do’s and Don’ts” as a part of Certificate Course in 21st century Life Skills for the students of FY BBA(FS) and FY BBA on 20th October 2022 from 12:15 to 1:15 pm. The Resource Person for the session was Mrs. Caroline Stewart Silva, Professional Life coach and a Corporate trainer. The objective of the session was to help students develop knowledge, skills and judgment around human communication that facilitate their ability to work collaboratively with others. A total of 30 students attended the program.

Ms. Kanishka Madkaikar, student of FY BBA(FS)-A welcomed and introduced the Resource Person. Ms. Caroline began her session by providing insights of how essential good communication is for personal and professional success. She explained that effective communication is about ensuring that what we want to say is interpreted correctly by the recipient of the message. She explained the process of effective communication and provided insights into the different ways of effective communication with the help of examples and videos.

She informed about the common pitfalls to avoid during communication and the best strategies to focus on. She conducted paper shape activity to make student understand the importance of effective communication and how miscommunication could lead to the feeling of confusion or frustration and the damage caused due to poor communication. The speaker elucidated 7C’s of effective communication, the importance of active listening, how listening is different from hearing and the different methods of practicing active listening. At the end of the session she shared useful tips which could help guide the students in their careers and addressed queries raised by the students. The students found the session very informative and beneficial. The session ended with a Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms. Mahek Shaikh, a student of FY BBA(FS)-A.
