Session on Startup Ecosystem

The E-Cell and Incubation Centre of the College in association with Forum for Innovation, Incubation, Research and Entrepreneurship organized a session on ‘Startup Ecosystem’ on 18th October 2022. Mr. Micheal Viegas, Practising Chartered Accountant and Consultant was the speaker for the session. He introduced the students to the Startup Ecosystem and explained its basics. He briefed the students on major types of startups in India. Further he informed about the legal and ethical compliances involved in starting a business.

In his session he also mentioned various reasons for failure of Startups which included lack of demand, insufficient capital, competition, poor management and poor marketing. He also mentioned how a budding entrepreneur can avoid these failures by following the necessary steps like efficient management of funds, doing research on the ways of raising the finance at cheapest rate and using proper marketing techniques. The session was very interactive. Ms. Brionna Noronha, student from SY B. Com compered the entire session. A total of 106 students attended the session.
