Training cum Demonstration Session in Dealing with Medical Emergencies at Workplace

The Department of Computer Science organized a training-cum-demonstration session on ‘Dealing with Medical Emergencies at the Workplace’ on 18th October 2022 through offline mode for B.Voc. students enrolled for the Junior Software Developer Qualification Pack. This module is an integral part of the skill component of the curriculum offered under B.Voc.(Software Technologies) programme offered by the College. Dr. Krishni Salelkar, Aayush Doctor, PHC Sanguem was the Resource Person for the session.

The session began with the introduction of Dr. Krishni Salelkar by Asst. Prof. Andre Pacheco. The training session started with ‘Basics of Life Support’. The topics covered during this session were classification of patients, cardiac arrest, use of CPR and AED, respiratory arrest, fainting (accidental, non-accidental), and seizures (first & repeated). In this session, she explained the situations and the different ways of tackling them. Dr. Krishni Salelkar also spoke on trauma, bleeding, fracture (open & closed), skull and spine fractures and collarbone fractures. Along with awareness on the above topics, she also explained the basics of ABCDE model. Dr. Krishni Salelkar also demonstrated with the help of students the correct procedure to save someone from choking using the Heimlich maneuver.

She also spoke and informed the students about animal bites. She mentioned that all bites are not dangerous in nature and how to identify the bites of serious nature. She specifically discussed about dog bites and snake bites. Dr Krishni Salelkar finally ended the session by talking about her experience in dealing with live examples and took multiple questions from students and satisfactorily answered all of them. The students came away from the session, confident about being able to handle emergency situations.

24 B.Voc. students attended the session. The teachers in charge were Mr. Sameer Patil and Mr. Andre Pacheco
