Poster Making Competition-NCC Navy

To commemorate “World Mental Health Day”, theNCC Naval Wing of the College organized a Poster Making Competition for the students on the Theme Mental Health Care for All. The aim of the competition was to create awareness among students on Mental Health Care.

5 students participated in the Poster Making Competition. The participants were asked to make a poster and submit it on 15 October 2022. The posters were proof of the creativity and innovativeness of students. The first place was won by Ms. Sweeda Cotta (SY B.Com-B), second place by Ms. Namrata Chari (FY B.Com C) and third place was bagged by Mr. Joshua Cardozo (FY B.Com A). The judges were Dr. Maithili Naik, Ms. Pooja Shanbhag and Ms. Twinkle Fernandes. Asst. Prof. Pretty Pereira coordinated the competition.
