Hands-on Training on Commodity Derivatives Market

As an initiative towards providing practical exposure to students, a guest lecture was organized by the Department of Commerce & Economics in the course of Indian Capital Market on 14th October 2022.The topic wasHands-on Training on Commodity Derivatives Market”. The Resource Person for the session was Mr. Pallab Sarkar, Manager, SEBI. A total of 95 students attended the session.

Mr. Sarkar commenced his session by introducing the students to the concept of derivatives.  He elaborated upon the basics of forwards, futures and options.  Students were also told about the evolution of the commodity market, market operations and the benefits of commodity trading. Mr. Sarkar made the students aware of the regulatory role of SEBI in the commodities market. He discussed the commodity market operations with a lot of examples from his personal experience and made the session interesting. The session concluded with an interaction between the students and the Resource Person.
