Practical session on Yoga

The FY Certificate Course Committee had organized a practical session on “Yoga” as a part of Certificate Course in 21st century Life Skills for the students of FY BBA(FS) and FY BBA General on 13th October 2022 from12:15 pm to 1:15 pm in the Hall 1,5th Floor. The Resource Person for the session was Mrs. Anju Desai, Certified Yoga and Zumba instructor. The objective of the session was to make students aware about the different yoga postures, yoga asanas and exercise that could make them flexible, alert and active which would lead to better concentration in studies, sports and extra-curricular activities. A total of 20 students attended the program.

Ms. Ziya Munnoli, student of FY BBA(FS)-A welcomed and introduced the Resource Person. The Resource Person began the session by warm-up, deep breathing and stretching followed by demonstrating different asanas and explaining the students about its benefits. She started with Vrikshasana, which helps to improve balance, gives body a proper posture and boost concentration thereby building inner and outer strength followed by another yoga posture downward facing dog which is an effective yoga pose that can help relieve chronic pains caused by sitting, tight hamstrings.

She also demonstrated few yoga postures that could help to combat feelings of depression and fatigue. She also showed how to do the mountain Pose or Tadasana, which is a basic yoga pose that allows students to calm their mind followed by another yoga posture known as naukasan which helps to improve and regulate their digestion, including alleviating excessive gas and easing constipation. The Resource Person made the students aware about the benefits of practicing meditation on a regular basis.

The speakers at the end of the session addressed the queries raised by the students regarding the diet to be followed for better concentration and weight gain. The details of the Resource Person were shared with the students for future reference. The students found the session very informative and beneficial. The session ended with a Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms. Pavitra Gadkar, a student of FY BBA(FS)-B.
