Session on “First Aid For Panic Attack” by Counseling Cell

The Counseling cell organized a session on ‘First aid for panic attacks’ on the occasion of World Mental Health Day on 10th October 2022. The session was held for students of B.Com programme. A total of 22 students attended the session.

The main objective of the session was to build skills in students that will enable them to help oneself and other person when faced with a panic attack. Ms. Femisha Monteiro from First year B.Com A class welcomed and introduced the Resource Person, Ms. Eshani Bakhle, College Counselor. She commenced the session with an introduction on panic attacks which included the symptoms like choking, accelerated breathing, chest pain, nausea, light headedness, etc. Various causes of panic attacks were explained as well. The students were informed about the physiological difference between a panic attack and a heart attack. The criteria of Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental Disorders 5 (DSM-5) of panic disorder was explained. The students were then informed about the first aid for panic attack which included grounding techniques like stay calm, 5-4-3-2-1, H.A.L.T, picture safe place, items in a category and ask valid questions. The students were also asked to practice deep breathing exercises. The students participated and performed these techniques during the session.

The session concluded with long term treatment plan for panic attacks, that is, medication, psychotherapy and life style changes. The session ended at 1.20pm.
