Communication Skills

The FY Certificate course committee of the College organized a session on Communication Skills as a part of 30 Hours Certificate Course in 21st Century Life Skills for the First Year B.Com students on 8th October 2022 from 12.00 p.m. to 1.30 p.m. The objective of the session was to familiarize the students with the importance of communicating appropriately. The Resource Person for the session was Ms. Caroline Stewart Silva, Professional Life Coach, Impact Training Solutions, Margao.

Ms. Samiksha a student from FY B.Com was the compere for the session. The session began with an introduction of the Resource Person by Ms. Spruti, student of FY B.Com. Ms. Caroline Stewart Silva commenced the session with an introduction to communication skills. She also stressed upon the importance of effective communication, reasons for effective communication, the 7C’s of effective communication and barriers in communication. Further she played a video on how incomplete communication leads to misunderstanding. In relation to the video, she elaborated on the importance of being a good listener and being considerate and brief while communicating.She conducted an activity with newspaper and instructed the students to follow her commands with eyes closed so as to explain the importance of listening and two-way communication for effecting exchange of ideas and thoughts. She concluded the session by conducting a personality test and asked the students to rank themselves as per the standard scores.

The session ended at 01:30 p.m. with a Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms. Ruby from FY B.Com. Overall, the session was interesting and interactive and Ms. Caroline appreciated the active participation of the students. A total of 120 students attended the session.
