Investor Hub Activity-2

The Department of Management of the College organized Investor Hub activity for the students of FY BBA and FY BBA(FS). The students of the Second Year BBA(FS) planned a quiz on current affairs related to finance and a debate.

Asst. Prof. Ms. Abigale Rodrigues explained the rules for the quiz and the time allotted for each set of questions. For the quiz on Financial current affairs participation was received from 5 teams with 2-3 members each. The winners for the Quiz were Team 1(Vipul and Prabhaskar) and team 4 (Hayden Rebello and Myron Ferrao)

For the debate, the topic allotted to the students was ‘A college degree is essential for getting a good job’. The teams were made up of 12 members each. Team 1 was ‘For’ the topic and Team 2 was ‘Against’ the topic. Both the teams defended their sides with vigour and enthusiasm. The moderator for the event was Asst. Prof. Omkar Pawaskar. The winner of the debate was Team-1.

A total of 32 participants attended the quiz and debate out of which 18 were males and 14 were females. The debate came to an end at 12:30 pm
