Session on Self Awareness and Empathy at Workplace

The FY Certificate Course Committee had organized a session on “Self-Awareness and Empathy at Workplace” on 28th August for FY B.Com students as a part of Certificate Course in 21st Century Life Skills. The Resource Person for the session was Ms. Amba Prabhu, Psychotherapist. The objective of the session was to help students develop self-awareness and empathy.  80 students attended the session.Ms. Disha, a student of FY B.Com was the compere for the session. The session began with introduction of the Resource Person by Ms. Afshan, student of FY B.Com A. Ms.Amba introduced the concept of self-awareness and self-esteem to the students. The various components of Self Awareness and ways to increase self-awareness were explained to the students. She also suggested various ways to be empathetic towards friends and colleagues at the workplace.

The session ended with a Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms. Jewella, a student of FY B.Com A.
