Career Opportunities in Mutual Funds

The Career Cell of the College organized a Career Counselling Program on Career Opportunities in Mutual Funds for the students of B.Com and BBA(FS) 30th September 2022 Room No. F-404, 4th Floor, Central Block. The Resource Person for the session was Mr. Chirag Majithia, Founder, Shreeji Investments.  Ms. Mrunali Chari, student from FY B.Com C was the compere for the session. Ms. Sushrusha Naik Khandekar, Convenor of Career Cell welcomed the participants and the Resource Person. Ms. Pooja Rane, student from FY B.Com introduced the Resource Person, Mr. Chirag Majithia.

Mr. Majithia commenced the session by informing about the importance of investing. He then explained the benefits of investing in mutual funds considering the prevailing inflation rates. The Resource Person also explained various types of securities that are available for investments and the importance of investing in large cap, mid cap and small cap funds in comparison to debt funds and hybrid funds. Mr. Majithia guided the students with various career opportunities available in Stock Market, Mutual fund AMCs, Stock Broking Firms, etc and also guided the students upon how to set the goals in order to avail these opportunities.

Towards the end of the session, Mr. Majithia answered the queries raised by the students. It was an informative and enlightening session.  Students expressed their satisfaction by providing positive feedback for the session. Ms. Jesleen Fernandes, student of SY BBA(FS) proposed the Vote of Thanks.  Miss. Abigale Rodrigues, Assistant Professor, presented the letter of Gratitude to the Resource Person. A Total of 49 students attended the session.
