Career Counselling Program on Career Opportunities Overseas

The Career Cell of the College in Collaboration with Eduadvise organized a Career Counselling Program on ‘Career Opportunities Overseas’ for the students of B.Com, BBA and BBA(FS) 23rd September 2022 in Room No. F104, First Floor, Central Block.

Mr. Nihal Gawas, student of FY B.Com-C was the compere for the session. At the onset of the session Dr. Rodney D’Silva welcomed the students and the Resource Person. Ms. Nandita Borkar, student of FY B.Com-C introduced the Resource Person for the session. The Resource Person for the session was Mr. Vasant Hede, Marketing Executive, Eduadvise.

Mr. Hede began the session by enquiring how many students were interested in pursuing their further education overseas. The Resource Person then went on to explain the need of planning and timing the applications of foreign universities as they have an opening in January and September every year. He also specified the well-known universities in US, UK, France, Australia and Portugal along with its fees. Mr. Hede familiarised the students about various career options that can be pursued abroad.

Mr. Hede also highlighted the different languages which the students required to learn apart from English to get through the universities with flying colors. He also emphasized on the need to have a part time job while studying abroad so that the students could fund their own education. He then explained the process of getting the documents required to enter all of the above countries for further education and the number of years that these countries allow the students to work after the completion of their degree programs.

At the end of the session, Mr. Hede addressed the queries raised by the students. It was an interactive session and gave the students a better view of the universities open to them and the processes involved in the registration. Ms. Sushrusha Naik Khandekar, Asst. Prof. in Commerce proposed the Vote of Thanks. A total of 60 students attended the session.
