‘Orientation on Mentoring for Teachers’

The Students Welfare Cell of the College, organized an orientation session on mentoring for the faculty members across all programmes on 23rd September 2022 from 12.30pm to 1.30 pm in room no. S-205. The objective behind organising this session was to help newly recruited faculty members to engage mentoring meetings with their mentees on regular basis. Ms. Eshani Bakhle, the College Counsellor was the Resource Person for the session. Dr. Shami Pai, Convenor of Students Welfare Cell, introduced the Resource Person and addressed the gathering.

The speaker started the session by explaining in detail the concept of mentoring, described signals of mental health issues, mentor-mentee relationship and highlighted the importance of mentoring sessions in mentees life. She discussed the role of a mentor and emphasized on some important guidelines to be followed for conducting mentoring sessions. Ms. Eshani requested the mentors to try various types of psychometric tests on the mentees if possible and also to engage them in various fun-based activities to make the sessions lively and fruitful. She further explained some of the common issues and problems faced by the mentees and how to address them.

The Resource Person requested the faculty members to have regular meetings to make the mentoring process effective. She further added that teachers’ as mentors can play a key role in reaching out to the students and making them mentally strong and help in students’ overall growth and development. The session was very informative and interactive. Overall 34 teachers attended the same. Mr. Omkar Pawaskar, member of student’s welfare cell proposed the Vote of Thanks. The session concluded at 1.30pm.
