Indian Financial System: Growth and development

The Department of Management organized a guest lecture on ‘Indian Financial system: Growth and development’on 14th September 2022 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The Resource Person for the session was Mr. Ganesh Kothatha, MBA, AFP, Life Planner (USA) Chief Financial Planner Wealth Doctors.A total of 62 students attended the guest lecture. The objective of the session was to create awareness and discussion on the Growth and Development of Indian financial system

The Session commenced with the Introduction about the speaker by Mr. Sohan Patil, Student of FYBBA(FS)-B division. Mr. Ganesh Kothatha initiated addressing the participants by taking a short Quiz for the students on the basics of Investment. He stated the importance of power of compounding and how it can help the individuals to create wealth. He also suggested few books which are a good read like “Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel and Atomic Habits by James Clear.

The Speaker guided the students to calculate the Investment Value using excel. He further eloquently explained how Indian markets are emerging and growing which makes it very attractive for investment. He concluded by mentioning the opportunities available for the investors for Investment and how to make the best use of the growing market for creating wealth.

The Session was very interactive and informative. Ms. Akshada Salkar, a student from FYBBA(FS)-A proposed the Vote of Thanks.
