‘Pursuit of Excellence’

The Department of Management in association with Goa Management Association organized a session on “Pursuit of Excellence” for the Management students of our institution and also other Colleges on 12th September 2022. The Resource Person for the session was Retired Army Officer, Personality Development Trainer and Motivational speaker Brigadier Dr. Kiran Kumar Thacker.

The Compere for the session was Ms. Hazel Fernandes, a student of FY BBA. Ms. Hazel introduced Mr. Amin Shah, Chairman of GMA. During the inauguration of the session, Principal Prof. Prita Mallya and the Chairman of Goa Management Association Mr. Amin Ladakh welcomed the gathering. Ms. Sakshi Jadhav, student of TY BBA(FS) introduced the Resource Person. The Resource Person started the session by sharing his experience while pursuing his MBA and how his hard work and efforts helped him attain his goals. Mr. Thacker explained the meaning of excellence and how it is necessary for the students in their careers by quoting example of National Defence Academy and the rigorous training it gives to the Army officials to pursue Excellence. Mr. Thacker also shared a few tips to achieve excellence like, positive attitude, taking risks, having a mentor, hard work, discipline, time management, communication etc.

He concluded by insisting that students should have a purpose and goal in life, they should not lose direction and keep pursuing excellence in habit. He answered the questions raised by the students. The session concluded with a Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms. Cinola Vaz, Head, Dept. of Management. Ms. Hazel Fernandes, students of FY BBA(Gen) was the compere for the session. The session ended at 12.45pm. A total of 212 students attended the session from our college and 2 other colleges streamed the session for their students via google meet.
