7-Day FDP on Technology For Educators

The IQAC and FDP cell of the College jointly organised a 7-day Faculty Development program on the topic “Technology for Educators” in the month of August- September 2022 for all the teaching staff of the College. The Program followed a lecture-demonstration-hands-on approach for all the sessions.


DAY 1: 23rd& 24th August 2022 from 2:00-3:30 p.m.

A session on Google Workspace by Ms. Pradnya Nadkarni. She demonstrated various tools offered under the Google workspace, like Google calendar, Google drive, Google forms, Tasks, etc. Throughout the session, participants tried out different features of different tools on their own and asked the Resource Person their doubts and difficulties.

On 24th, a session on Master the Communication Processes Using Gmail was conducted by Ms. Pradnya Nadkarni. Ms. Nadkarni demonstrated how to use the different features of Gmail, in detail. This included filtering emails, organising emails with labels, undoing sent emails, snoozing the emails, scheduling emails, etc. Following the same approach of the previous day of FDP, participants tried out these features on their systems and got their doubts cleared. The day ended with Vote of Thanks proposed by Swati Bhat.


DAY 3: 6th September 2022 from 2:00-3:30 p.m.

A session on Google Classroom by Mr. Ramkrishna Reddy. He spoke about how Google classrooms can be an effective tool for educators to manage their courses. He demonstrated how to create Google classrooms, assigning classwork, grading, and making announcements in Google classrooms, and use of tools like assignments and quizzes to achieve different tasks of an educator efficiently. He also demonstrated how to manage a Google classroom. This included copying, archiving, and deleting classrooms, removing and muting students, adding new teachers, and other classroom settings


DAY 4: 22nd& 24th September 2022 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 pm.

A session on Application of Blooms Taxonomy in Teaching-Learning-Evaluation was conducted by three faculties from Chowgule College. After the welcome of guests and address by the Principal, first Resource person for the day, Prof. Nandkumar Sawant, Professor & Head, Dept. of Geography spoke about Lower order thinking skills (LOTS) and higher order thinking skills (HOTS) as per bloom’s taxonomy. Dr. Nandini Vaz Fernandes, Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of Zoology engaged a session about application of blooms taxonomy using digital learning platforms. Mr. Andrew Barreto, Assistant Professor, Dept. of English engaged the final session on the topic of Blended learning platforms. He also showcased a digital portfolio of the works and projects of a student. The Resource Persons requested all the teachers to complete the tasks assigned on Google Classroom before the next session on 24th September.

On 24th, Prof. Nandkumar Sawant spoke about Academic assignment writing: formatting and rubrics. This was followed by a few participants presenting an assignment that they had designed for their own curriculum. All the participants engaged in recommending improvisations to the assignments presented. This was followed by a session by Dr. Nandini Vaz Fernandes on “Problem based learning: format and rubrics.” Participants asked questions regarding the doubts that they had and got them cleared from the Resource Person. Shri. Andrew Barreto conducted the final session on “Flipped classroom.”Prof. Nandkumar Sawant summarised the discussions of the day in the concluding session. The day ended with vote of thanks by Shreyas Desai.


DAY 6: 27th & 28th September from 2:00-3:30 p.m.

A session on Make your Information look beautiful was taken by Mr. Sandesh Gaundalkar on both the days. He spoke about design and principles of design. He also demonstrated how various colour schemes should be applied in layout design. He covered typefaces and fonts, and demonstrated strengths and weaknesses of serif and sans-serif typefaces. This was followed by participants trying to redesign their syllabus powerpoint presentations as per the principles of design discussed during the two days. The Resource person appraised their work and suggested improvements wherever applicable. The day and the FDP ended with Vote of Thanks by Shreyas Desai.

The 7-Day FDP was coordinated by Dr. Lina Sadekar, IQAC Coordinator and Ms. Swati Bhat, Convenor, FDP Cell.
