Living A Healthy Lifestyle

The FY Certificate Course Committee had organized a webinar on “Living a Healthy Lifestyle” as a part of Certificate Course in 21st century Life Skills for the students of FY, FY BBA(FS) and FY BBA on 25th August from 2:00pm to 3:15 pm on Google meet and YouTube. The Resource Person for the session was Dr. Joline Fernandes, Homoeopathic Consultant, Clinical Nutritionist (London), Lifestyle & Personal fitness Specialist. The objective of the session was to highlight the importance of living a Healthy Lifestyle. A total of 246 students attended the program (100 via Google meet and 146 on YouTube)

Mr. Aggie Fernandes a student from FY A was the compere for the session. At the onset Asst Prof. Marjina Shaikh, Convenor of the         FY Certificate course committee welcomed the gathering. The Resource Person took over session by briefing the students how health can be maintained by proper diet, exercise and hygiene. She spoke about healthy lifestyle that involves a nutritional diet, daily exercise, adequate sleep, being happy, and thinking positive. She emphasized on the different elements like performing exercises, eating seasonal and locally grown organic food with fibers and how unwanted calories and fats buildup toxins in our body.

Speaker elaborated on the importance of healthy lifestyle for the student to live longer and to make them less vulnerable to sickness and diseases. The Resource Person recommended few super foods that are packed with high nutrients that could induce hair growth. She listed out the Do’s and Don’ts that could help the students to lead a healthy lifestyle and also shared tips to stay fit. She advised the students on the food that needs to be avoided that can lead to issues such as Thyroid, PCOD and hormonal imbalance by emphasizing more on the packaged food and its side effects on our body.

The speaker at the end of the session addressed the queries raised by the students with regards to the food diet for athletics and minimum hours of sleep required for better concentration. The students found the session very informative and beneficial as they got an insight about the measures that will help them stay healthy. The session ended with a Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms. Bhoviya, a student of FY A.
