Leadership Camp

The Student’s Council of the College organised a two-day leadership camp for the students of all the programmes in collaboration with Forum for Free Enterprise and M. R. Pai foundation on 17th and 18th August 2022. The Resource Persons for the same were Mr. Rajiv Kumar Luv, Motivational Speaker and Corporate Trainer and Mr. Vivek Patki, Communications Skill Expert. A total of 69 students participated in the camp.

The Inaugural programme began at 9 a.m. on 17th August. Ms. Brionna Noronha, student from S.Y. B.Com welcomed the gathering. Mr. Sanjay Velip, Assistant Professor in Economics, introduced the Resource Persons for the camp. Mr. Rajiv Kumar Luv addressed the gathering and explained the schedule of the programme to the students. Dr. Maithili Naik, Assistant Professor in Commerce proposed the Vote of Thanks for the programme. The students were than divided into two groups.

The first session was conducted by Mr. Rajiv Kumar Luv on Goal Setting & Achieving. In this session, Mr. Rajiv Kumar Luv guided the students on setting up goals. The next session conducted was to guide the students on how to achieve goals. He advised to maintain a book to list down the short-term and long-term goals. He also guided the students upon how to achieve these listed goals.

Another session was conducted on ‘The Power of Habits’. This session started with a group activity in which the students were told to select a leader. In this activity, the students were told to list 25 bad habits. The students were than explained about habits and its formation. Each team leader was than asked to present the written material infront of the group.

Another session was conducted on ‘Coming together – A Beginning’. In this session an activity was given to the students where in, teams of students were formed and some words were given to each team. These teams were then asked to form the words using their whole body. Another activity was conducted in this session i.e., 21 students were told to touch a bottle without touching each other.

Mr. Vivek Patki conducted a session called ‘Sharpening yourself’ wherein a study technique of SQ3R i.e., S – Survey, Q-question R- Read Revise, Recall was explained. Another session that was conducted by Mr. Patki was on ‘Effective Communication’ where in, importance of body language was explained. This session was followed by another session on ‘Willpower’ in which, students were guided on how to remove stage fear.

The Valedictory function began on 18th August at 2 p.m. Prof. Prita D. Mallya, Principal of the College addressed the gathering. Mr. Rajiv Kumar Luv and Mr. Vivek Patki distributed the certificates to the students. Mr. Sanjay Velip proposed the Vote of Thanks for the camp.
