Financial Freedom Programme

The F.Y Certificate course committee conducted a session on “Financial Freedom” as a part of Certificate course on 21st Century Life Skills on 11th August 2022 from 12:15 to 1:15 pm in Hall no: 1, 5th Floor, Century Block for the BBA(FS) and BBA students. The programme was intended to make the students financial literate and create awareness about the basics of investment. The Resource Person for the programme was Dr. Celso Fernandes, Financial Consultant, AMFI registered mutual fund distributor and founder of Navemarg foundation

The Financial literacy programme began with the introduction of the Resource Person by Ms. Anisha Bhaskar, a student of FY BBA(FS). Dr. Celso Fernandes provided financial knowledge that could result in financially independent and confident students. He explained them about the importance of investing, various alternatives of investments and the benefits of investment at the early age. The speaker also enlightened the students about the skills and habits that are necessary for successfully managing finances of individuals.

The speakers at the end of the programme addressed the queries raised by the students with regards to the documents required to start investing. The details of the Resource Person were shared with the students for future reference. The students found the session very informative and the knowledge gained could help them to make informed financial decisions. A total of 64 participants attended the session. The session ended at 1:15 pm, with a Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms. Aachal Naik, a student of FY BBA(FS).
