Panel Discussion Titled ‘Career Opportunities For Commerce Graduates’

The B.Com Programme of VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics organised a Panel Discussion titled ‘CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FOR COMMERCE GRADUATES” on 18th June, 2022 from 10:00 am – 11:30 am via Google Meet platform and College YouTube Channel. The session was conducted for the prospective students of B.Com. The objective of the session was to give an overview of various career opportunities in Commerce. 100 participants attended the session on Google Meet and 72 viewed on College You Tube Channel.

The Resource Persons for the Panel Discussion were:

1.    CA Shashikant Shenoy – Partner, Deloitte

2.    Dr. Harip Khanapuri – Associate Professor, Goa Business School, Goa University.

3.    Ms. Grace Da Cunha – Assistant Vice President – Branch Head, Axis Bank.

The session began with Welcome address by the Principal, Dr. Prita Mallya.

The President of Vidya Vikas Mandal, Mr. Nitin Kunkolienker addressed the session by giving a brief understanding that Commerce is an opening of vast opportunities and that Vidya Vikas Mandal’s sole aim is to transform the society through its education.

The moderator, Asst. Professor in Commerce, Ms. Sheryl Sanches introduced the Resource Person and began with the discussion and deliberations.

1. The Resource Person CA, Shashikant Shenoy focused on

l  Presentation and articulation/automation within accounting-taxation-auditing,

l  Sharpen communication skills,

l  Embedment of technology in every program in College Curriculum

l  He also stressed not to compromise on the offline program the College offers which is by far the most effective program that develop a lot of deep expertise.

His only Success mantra is:  There is no substitute to hard work and dedication.

2. The Resource Person, Dr. Harip Khanapuri enlightened the students on

l  How they can take advantage of IT based platforms, web platforms that are emerging

l  Keep a perspective of where each one wants to go at the end of the journey of 3 years or even plan another 2 years of joining masters degree.

l  Highlighted the importance of additional skill based certification programs that the College offers to enrich each ones knowledge.

His success mantra is: To be a continuous learner and remain updated to be in tune with the happenings in the Industry.

3. The Resource Person, Ms. Grace Da Cunha stated that Banking is one Industry, which offers a lot of opportunities to young students/graduates. To make a career in banking we need to

l  Grow on our personality skills.

l  Build up confidence,

l  Be disciplined, have communication skills, leadership, pro-activeness, etc.

Her mantra for success is:To be very ambitious-with lot of efforts and hard work to achieve it.  Being disciplined is the most important criteria in her life.
Queries raised by the participants were enthusiastically answered by the Resource Persons and the session ended with a Vote of Thanks proposed by the Vice Principal, Dr. Rodney D’Silva. Dr. Sheetal Arondekar Coordinated the webinar.
